In this post we’ll be going over healthy aging tips and the effects of Alzheimer’s Disease. If you’re caring for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, you may already be aware that it affects not only the person with the disease, but also their loved ones.
Alzheimer’s disease will develop into dementia, which the two join to cause a series of disorders of the mind. Once dementia sets in, it becomes a progressive disorder, which causes mood swings, behavior problems, etc. Thinking becomes difficult; as well, the patient will find it hard to manage tasks. It is wise to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, etc, early and test often. According to experts over 6 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease and the estimate is about to double in the near future. 1
Alzheimer’s disease usually targets elderly women, yet the disease affects men also. Estimates vary, but experts suggest that more than 6 million Americans, most of them age 65 or older, may have Alzheimer’s. 2
At present, there is no known cause for Alzheimer’s disease. However, as the disease progresses, symptoms will develop, such as memory loss, mood swings, or related behavior problems. Once the symptoms start the patient may feel aggressive, which means that simple tasks such as feeding them or helping them get dressed could become a problem. In time, the person will need complete care 24/7.
How Does Alzheimer’s Disease Develop?
It is not clear what causes Alzheimer’s to develop, yet doctors believe that abnormal DNA and RNA plays a part in its development. The condition tears down brain tissues, finally nerve cells, nerve fibers, and works it way down to the central nervous system (CNS), thus destroying the main cells that prevent blood from flowing smoothly. According to Dr. John Staley, (President/CEO of Your Home Team Care & Co-Founder of TeamHealth) is a diagnosis that needs to be worked up by a physician. A lot of times Demintia Parkinsons will mask Alzhiemer’s and it can be a misdiagnosed work up in the laboratory as well as on Xrays.”
How To Know if Someone Will Develop Alzheimer’s Disease?
You can’t know for certain. If your family has a history however, it is wise to request that your doctor tests you often. Let your doctor know that family members were diagnosed with Alzheimer’s so that your doctor can keep an eye open for signs and symptoms. Usually after tests, and if symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease are present, the doctor will prescribe medications to help slow the condition or tackle the any underlying conditions.
How To Find Help If You or Someone You Know is Diagnosed With Alzheimer’s?
You can visit your doctor to find help. Your doctor, or your loved one’s doctor will point you in the right direction. In addition, they may order frequent testing, as well as prescribe you medications.
How Do I Cope With a Loved One Diagnosed With Alzheimer’s Disease?
You need support. If your loved one has Alzheimer’s disease, do not allow the pressure to rob you of good health. It is important that you exercise, eat right, and maintain a healthy schedule. You can also receive support, such as in-home care caregivers that can help relieve some of the burden. As well, you can use daycare centers when you need a break.
Moreover, if you have loved ones who do not have Alzheimer’s disease you may ask them to take some of the weight off your shoulders by taking time to help care of your loved one. Be sure to continue to enjoy activities and socialization as well, as this will help to keep you from being stressed or burned out.
The Pat Summit Foundation in Knoxville Tennessee, also offers assistance to people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. “Historically, Pat Summit is the greatest leader for women’s Title 9 & basketball coach. She took on Alzheimer’s and fought bravely to try and overcome the disease. Pat Summit started a clinic to help people that are having signs and symptoms of Alzheimer’s. There’s two organizations, both of which are trying to help the growing number of Alzheimer’s patients in the area.” Dr. John Staley.
How Do I Handle Aggression From a Loved One?
If the patient becomes aggressive or violent, you may have to restrain him or her to protect yourself and the patient. Sometimes the patient may not act their age, instead they may seem to act like a child. At other times the patient may hit you, yell at you, or verbally abuse you. It is important to avoid striking back. Try to stay calm and restrain the person until he or she has calmed down.
Once the patient calms down you can try and get them to rest. Aggressive behavior and violence tears down the emotions and causes stress for both parties. It’s important to remember that your loved one does not know what he or she is doing. So try and not take any offense.
“At YHTC we specialize in taking care of Alzheimer’s patients. We also have trained caregivers, we can also put CNA’s or LPN’s out. That’s what differentiates us from other organizations, because we are flexible to provide care for Alzhiemer’s patients as they advance in the disease.” Dr. John Staley.
Here Are a Few Tips to Help You Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle as You Age
Aging is a natural process that everyone faces. As we age our bodies ability to function the way it did when we were younger slows down. Aging brings about wrinkles, crowfeet, weight gain, weight loss, cellulite, and so on. These may be natural as we get older, however there are steps you can take to ensure that as you age, you remain healthy.
A few tips from Dr. John Staley for maintaining your health as you age include:
- Get a complete physical yearly
- Be compliant with all medications, particularly those who have heart disease, diabetes and hypertension
One thing people can do as they age is to ensure they get exercise 30-45 minutes, 3 to 4 times a week. Walking and watching your caloric intake. It’s pretty simple, it’s the calories in versus out.
- Getting on a lien diet for those who are somewhat overweight or obese.
Things to avoid doing as you age
Try not to exercise before going to bed. Exercising gets you pumped and your heart rate goes up, you’ll get yourself going and then it will become hard to relax and go to sleep. Exercise routines are best when done in the morning, since it helps boosts your energy. When you wake up, try working out before you continue on with your day. You may very well find this refreshing. On the other hand, some people prefer to workout in the afternoon. If this is you, the afternoon is good as well, since it will boost the energy wasted from the earlier part of your day. Choose a schedule that works for you. Keep in mind that if you do work out in the evening, try to do it a few hours before you go to bed. You will increase energy, yet by the time you resume for the night you will feel relaxed.
Make sure you are getting enough rest at night
Snoring is something that can keep you awake at night. Sometimes snoring can be caused from obesity or a sleep disorder. If you have a snoring problem, speak with your doctor, they will help you find a solution. Exercising can not only help you stay in shape, but it can also help with ensuring you have a good nights rest.
Depression and stress can also be a reason for lack of sleep for many people. A great way to reduce stress is by practicing yoga. Yoga can help you develop good meditation skills. These will help you to relax. Yoga combined with meditation can help reduce depression and stress. Aromatherapy, journaling, reading and listening to relaxing music, as also great ways to unwind before bed, and can help reduce stress and ensure a good nights rest.
If you don’t seem to be having any luck with whatever you try and you’re still unable to get a good nights rest, be sure to speak with your doctor. They may be able to can provide you with a safe sleep remedy or refer you to a sleep specialist.

Eat Healthy Meals
Eating healthy meals is also a great way to ensure that you’re maintaining a healthy lifestyle. When your daily meals contain food from the right food groups, it helps to provide your body with the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it requires to live healthy. As you grow older however, your body will need more of one thing than it will another. Be sure to ask your doctor to help put together a nutrition plan that is suitable to help you grow healthy as you age.
When it comes to Healthy Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease, it’s important to remember that there is help available. Having a highly trained caregiver available to help provide care to you loved one in the home is one of the best ways to lessen the burden. At Your Home Team Care, we pride ourselves in providing the best In-Home Senior Care. Our caregivers go through extensive training in dementia care to ensure they are knowledgeable about the needs of your loved one.
Give us a call to speak with our RN Managers and learn how we can help you better care for your loved one. Give us a call at 865-332-5000.
Information Sources 1 & 2: