Experienced Health Professionals
Transitional Care
Your Home Team Care is a professional Five Star home support service that is committed to safe quality care and a positive patient experience. Our physician leadership and oversight along with RN CCM management sets us apart! We have experienced the challenges associated with discharge planning firsthand! Your Team Home Care is an organization that you can trust to understand the level of service required to ensure that your patients transition home with a quality solution that supports a successful home care placement.
Our transitional care service includes:
- RN facility visit to meet with patient, family, and staff to assist with creating an individualized home care support plan
- Physician review of home care support plan.
- Scheduling the home caregiver to attend the patient in the facility prior to hospitalization to help the patient feel more comfortable about the transition of care
- Opportunity to interview home caregivers prior to assignment
- Coordination with home health, DME, and other providers involved in the Transitional Care Plan.
- A home safety assessment prior to discharge
- Grocery shopping, picking up medications at the pharmacy or other services needed to prepare the home environment
- Transportation to follow up physician appointments
- A coordinator available 24/7 to process referrals
Facility Attendants / Sitters
Our coordinators are available 24/7 to schedule services when the need arises for a patient to have an attendant during a facility stay.
Staff specially trained and tested in working with memory impairment and behavioral issues.
What Dr. Lynn Massingale, M.D. says about Dr. Staley
May 2, 2019
To whom it may concern:
It is my pleasure to write this letter of reference about and in support of Dr. John Staley, with whom I have worked for most of the last 40 years. Dr. Staley has a proven track record as a visionary, as a successful entrepreneur on multiple fronts and as a highly successful builder and operator of large and small businesses.
Dr. Staley is bright, driven, loyal and extremely driven to succeed. In the medical area, he has always focused on high-quality patient care delivered by the best teams of motivated, compassionate caregivers. He understands and values the importance of both patient and family satisfaction and trust coupled with high-quality care.
Dr. Staley is tireless, ethical and approachable by all, always seeking ways to improve a process or service. I’ve been proud to call him a partner, colleague, co-founder and friend. Please let me know if I can answer any questions or be of any other service as you consider a relationship with Dr. Staley or his entities.
Lynn Massingale, M.D.
Chairman and Co-founder

300 N. Winston Rd.
Suite 403
Knoxville, TN 37919
(865) 332-5000