Frequently Asked Questions
Can I choose the caregiver?
Yes. While our RN Care Managers work to understand client preferences and match personalities, we are happy for our clients to interview caregivers. It is our mission for our clients to be delighted with their assigned caregivers.
How can I track caregiver hours and activities?
We offer a free phone app that shows all caregiver activity in the Family Room portal. Log in from anywhere to view what is being done in the home in real-time. You can see what caregivers were there, review the condition of your loved one, and the ability to view all account data such as past and present invoices. Providers can also be given access to the Family Room portal.
I live out of town. How can I have peace of mind that my loved one has good care?
We can provide access to security cameras in the home with app access for the family to view your loved one’s activity. Our RN care managers are happy to schedule regular conference calls with family to discuss the client’s progress. We offer exclusive access to a nurse advice line from Monday-Friday, 9 am-5 pm or exclusive access to a one-on-one physician consultation that can be added to your services to ensure that your loved one always has access to care.
Can I change the times for services or discontinue services at any time?
Yes. As your loved one’s need for services change, you may request those changes or discontinue services.
Do you provide services in the hospital or assisted living?
Yes. We can move our services as your loved one has hospital stays or changes residence to assisted living.

300 N. Winston Rd.
Suite 403
Knoxville, TN 37919
(865) 332-5000